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�'���� �������ilY,��� � <br /> Releasing either ring with pressure on system will couse tank or tank head to blow oif base,causing severe <br /> � � � i injury or major properiy damage. NEVER adjust,fighten or foosen ring when tank is und�er pressure. 9�i'ilfer <br /> �lazar�ous Pressure leaks at the ring, do not adjust the ring. Instead,Tollow instructians under"filter Disassembly", 5elow ar�d <br /> "Fil�er Assembly", Page 8. <br /> �� �egulariy inspect clamp assemblies for craciced, corroded or broken welds and worn or stripped threads. <br /> If ar�y wear or damage shows, replace the complete ring. <br /> � Te�soon stresses and aggressive pool chemicals can aggravate mechanical wear. Tank elamp assemblies <br /> � and nufs or piastic Bcnobs should be replaced every five years. <br /> � <br /> � Da not use a filter that shows crac9cs, corrosion or distortion. <br /> � <br /> Y� �G�.Ii E� ���A�S�R9�LY <br /> � �.�TOP Pl�N1�. <br /> � 2. C����E sucfiion and return line vaives(if ased). <br /> 3.0�'�B�air reiease vaive on top o$filter. <br /> ' 4.�t�G3 unfii!a!I pressure is released from fiiter tank and system before loosening either clamp. <br /> � ,� <br /> � ,��u���s�G To prevent severe or fatal m�ury,make sure that all pressure has been released from fsiter tank B�FORE <br />' proceeding. <br /> ; 5. 2e�nove c�rain plug o�open drair�valve at"Tank Drain Port"and drain filter <br /> � 6. Loaser�ciamp ring;remove clamp by lifting it straighfi up over tank. <br /> 7. Re�nove fan�C head�rom tank body. Be careful not to damage 0-Ring. Place tank head in clean area. <br /> ��osa�� I$heavy dirt deposits have collected around bottom of filter element and base,was6�out base be�ore <br /> removing element. <br /> $. �emove tl�e 0-Ring from the filter Clean�he 0-Ring and inspect it. If you see cuts,cracking, defarmation or wea�, repiace it. <br /> �. � filter eiemen'r fio ane side to free seal. <br /> i 0. !ift e6ement aut of tank body. Do not drop filter eiement. Place element in clean area wi�ere it can be cleaned wifih hose and <br /> spray nozzl��itachment. <br /> � <br /> ti <br /> • �� <br />